Speech and Language Therapy Services
Kathy's qualifications:
Education and memberships:
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Gerontology, St Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Masters of Clinical Science in Speech Language Pathology, Western University, London, Ontario
Registered member of the Alberta College of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
Member, Alberta's Association of Private Practice Speech Language Pathologists (ASAPP)
Member, Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC)
Member, The Hanen Center
Certifications and Continuing Education:
It Takes Two To Talk (Hanen)- London, Ontario
More Than Words (Hanen)- Edmonton, Alberta
Talkability (Hanen)- Edmonton, Alberta
Learning Language and Loving It (Hanen)- Edmonton, Alberta
PROMPT Level 1 Motor Speech- Toronto, Ontario
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Workshop- Brooke Rea- Oakville, Ontario
PECS Level 1 Training - Burlington, Ontario
Experienced service provider at the Edmonton Down Syndrome Society
Experience as an Authorizer for Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices as part of the Alberta Aids of Daily Living (AADL) (2017-2020)
Foundations in AAC- An Interprofessional Course- Centralized Equipment Pool. An 8-week course focused on Augmentative and Alternative Communication assessments, access methods, and speech generating devices.
Individual Authorizer Workshop- Thames Valley Children's Center- London, Ontario
International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC Toronto 2016) 5 -day Conference
​Taking the Initiative: Supporting Spontaneous Communication in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pat Mirenda
Debunking the Myths about Using AAC with Children and Adults: Rose Sevcik and MaryAnn Romski
Open Access Resource Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba: ​
AAC Language Learning & Communication All Day Long: Caroline Musselwhite (2017)
Universal Learning Design and iPads for Individuals with Special Needs: Kate O'Hern (2016)
Presenter at the Circle of Support First Nations Engaging Families in Early Learning Conference held by The Learning Partnership (2017)
Moe The Mouse- Speech and Language Development Program, Kenora, Ontario
Superflex and Friends Take on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and the Common Core Standards: Michelle Garcia Winner- Social Thinking Program- Dryden, Ontario
Webinar: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Strength Based Approach
Hanen webinars:
Tuning In: Practical Strategies to Promote Theory of Mind for Verbal Children on Autism Spectrum
Coaching Parents in How to Play
Starting Early: Red Flags and Treatment Tips for Toddlers on Autism Spectrum
International Association of Laryngectomies Annual Conference, 2014- Buffalo, New York

Qualifications and Education